Seeing God in the small things!

I would like to share with you something that happened to me two days ago. I lost my diary/journal two days ago. I turned my house upside down looking for it. When I didn’t find it I looked for it at work! I looked everywhere with no luck. The crazy thing is, I had used it on the day I lost it but couldn’t remember where I put it. I know what you thinking, it’s just a diary! It is just a diary but it’s important to me. I had borrowed a book from a friend and I was writing notes and thoughts on the book in my diary and that is why I was so desperate to find it. But after day one with no luck I gave up. I prayed a small prayer asking God to help me find it  and put it out of my mind but not completely. The next day was just as bad. I was trying to trace back my steps hoping to find it but  with no luck. It wasn’t an expensive diary. I actually got it for free at a conference but it was important to me. Then out of nowhere, one of my friends came to my house this morning and asked me if the diary she was holding belonged to me!!!!!! I was overjoyed to say the least!

This is my diary!  :)

This is my diary! 🙂

God had answered my prayer as small and insignificant as it seemed, He answered me. There is a lesson to take home in this. We always expect God in the big things, and miracles and so on and He does show up but do we expect Him in the small things? God cares about our EVERY need. No matter how small you think it is, God thinks it’s important. This is what I realized this morning. I should expect miracles and big things but at the same time I should look for God’s hand in the small and insignificant things in my life!!

God is so big that He can show up in the small things! When we focus on the big we can miss God. There needs to be a balance. God’s does big things and He works in the small things……
