Set Yourself Apart.

God spoke to Jacob: “Go back to Bethel. Stay there and build an altar to the God who revealed Himself to you when you were running for your life from your brother Esau.”
They turned over to Jacob all the alien gods they’d been holding on to, along with their lucky-charm earrings. Jacob buried them under the oak tree in Shechem. Then they set out. A paralyzing fear descended on all the surrounding villages so that they were unable to pursue the sons of Jacob.
Gen 35:1-5

Something amazing happened here as Jacob and his family consecrated themselves. They were about to go to Bethel and Jacob made a call to his family to get rid of all the gods they had. They were some people who thought God was not strong enough to protect them so they had a few other gods just in case! But to meet with God we cannot worship other gods. We need to destroy all the other things that are blocking us from really seeing God. Let us put aside the idols and the things that hinder us.

As the people set themselves apart by getting rid of the idols, a paralyzing fear went out across the surrounding villages! Remember that prior to this the sons of Jacob killed Hamor and his son Shechem and all the other men in the village and because of that other tribes wanted to annihilate them but as they set themselves apart a fear went out to the surrounding villages.

As we put God first this year, as we set ourselves apart,  know that God will fight for you. He will go before you and pave your way. The enemy will not touch you. God bless.
