It’s Been God All Along!!!!

We have just had our presidential elections and we got the results. A lot of people are not happy with the results so that means there has been a lot of negative talk.
As I was working I got into a conversation about the elections with a friend and he had some very profound things to say to me. He was challenging me to look at the political situation differently.

Governments will come and go, that’s a fact. As people, life goes on. We still have to provide for our families and we still have to live. The government doesn’t know my name. They have not brought me this far, God has!
He has been the One from the beginning of time. He is the One who has been protecting me and providing for me. The government does not know how much hairs I got on my head. They don’t know my name. God does.
This is what I am trying to get at, things may not have gone according to plan for some people but people need to know it’s been God that has got them this far. We are breathing because God made a decision to let us live!
When we had no food God is the One who carried us.
When it seemed like the country would collapse God is the One who carried us.
So even now, God is the one who carries me. My trust is not in a system or in a man but in God and that is the mindset I was challenged to have.

You have been through hell but know that God is the reason you are still standing. He is the reason you are still breathing. He loves you.
You may find yourself in the same situation, but look to God and not man. God is the One who has been cradling you in His arms. He is the One who gave you a purpose, He is the One who gave you direction.
The government is not the one who has brought you this far. They never healed you or loved you so much that they gave their life for you. God is the One who has been doing that.


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